+51 084 274 089




Visit the  Sanctuary of God  Pachacamac, believed to be the  creator of the  universe adored by old andean civilizations.  A sacred and ceremonial site, dating back to the beginnings of Christianity, where thousands of pilgrims converged top pay tribute and consult the Pachacamac Oracle,  who they believed could see the past,  the  future and fate.  The  site comprises the  Temple of the  Sun, The Temple of Pachacamac  and  the Acllahuasi or Palace of the Virgins of the Sun.


Pick up from your hotel at 9:20, our tour begins with a panoramic view of the Pucllana Pyramid built in  IV  century B.C, and considered as a sacred village by the Incas.

We will then have a guided tour through the splendid and vast archaeological site of the Pachacamac Oracle, also known as The Temple of  the deity. The  old  Andean Civilizations believed Pachacamac  was the creator of the universo.

The citadel comprises, Temples, Pyramids and Palaces,  such as: The  Temple  of  the Sun, The  Temple  of  Pachacamac, The Acllahuasi or Palace of the Virgins of the Sun, amongst others. The whole  area was considered holy and part of the mystical axis  of the world.

Our tour includes a visit to  the  bohemian district Barranco, where we will see the Puente de los  suspiros and delight in some spectacular sights of the Pacific Ocean.


  • Tourist transport
  • Proffesional Tour Guide
  • Lunch


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